The Way of the Networking Ninja (Self-Guided Course)

Learn to authentically connect with the right people who can open doors in your career you never imagined possible. 

Here's what you get upon enrollment:

The Way Of The Networking Ninja Course

Includes the Following:
✔ 4+ Hours of video training
✔ 3hr+ Bonus Q&A and outreach email teardowns

In this course you’ll learn how to:

✔ Craft the perfect cold outreach email (that people will actually respond to!)

✔ Overcome the #1 mindset barrier that keeps 99% of people from sending cold outreach

✔ Provide value in such a way you no longer sound “desperate” and can instead start a genuine relationship (as opposed to completing a transaction)

✔ Connect with complete strangers in such a way they are absolutely DELIGHTED you reached out (no matter how much further they might be in their career than yours)

✔ Use my “VSA Formula” to make it super easy for anyone to understand how they can help you (which makes it more likely they’ll respond to your message)

This System Gets Real Results!

Received a response from my Outreach Email! The recipient said the email made her "tear up"! Follow up email has been sent with two related questions. A great way to start the week. Plus the "Andy Dufresne Technique" helped me land an upcoming coffee hangout with an editor I've been trying to do this with for over 3 years.

Matt Allen, Editor

$297.00 USD

I have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and the Health Disclaimer.

I understand that if after 90 days I haven’t received any responses or built any new connections - and I've done the work - I can send a brief video demonstrating how this product has not gotten the results I was promised, at which point I will receive a full refund.

Want the whole Networking Ninja Bundle?

This bundle includes:

• My “Build Your Dream Network” Live Workshop to build your dream network of collaborators

• A 3+ hr Student Case Study detailing every step of how my student Marian Shammas landed her dream job in Hollywood (when she didn't even work in the industry)

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